Knightstone consultation workshops dates

Come to the Carriageworks Workshops!

As you will probably know by now, Knightstone Housing Association have been asked by Bristol City Council to work up final proposals for the Carriageworks and Westmoreland House.  If you missed that news, you can find out more on the Carriageworks Action Group website.

We’ve been really pleased that Knightstone have wanted to develop their dialogue with the community while they work up their ideas.  One of the ways in which they’ll be doing this is by holding a number of workshops through August and into September to find out more about what you think and to get your response to their emerging ideas.  Do please get along and take part to help turn the Carriageworks Community Vision into a reality.

So here are the details of those workshops.

Thursday 15 August – CAG meeting and launch

CAG Community Meeting at which Knightstone will launch the consultation process and present their proposed options.  These options were the subject of a workshop last week when members of the Liaison Group and other key stakeholders shared their thoughts and ideas on what should be included.  Since the workshop Knightstone have been distilling all the ideas into a set of options that will form the basis of the following workshops.

6.30pm at Unitarian Chapel, Brunswick Square, Bristol, BS2 8PE

Tuesday 20 August – Ground Floor and Community Uses

Workshop focussing on the proposed uses for the ground floor including the number and size of commercial/community units, proposed uses, servicing/access/waste, and long term management.

If you want to attend this workshop please pre-register by sending an email before 16 August (this is just so that Knightstone know how many people to expect)

3-5pm at Unitarian Chapel, Brunswick Square, Bristol, BS2 8PE

There will also be a public drop-in from 5-6pm.

Thursday 29 August – Heritage and Design

Workshop focusing on the heritage of the site and the design aspiration for the proposed redevelopment including the proposed retention of Carriageworks, other listed buildings on the site, reuse of buildings, and the design of new build elements.

If you want to attend this workshop please pre-register by sending an email before 26 August (this is just so that Knightstone know how many people to expect)

3-5pm at Unitarian Chapel, Brunswick Square, Bristol, BS2 8PE

There will also be a public drop-in from 5-6pm.

Wednesday 4 September – General redevelopment options

Workshop focusing on the general redevelopment of the site including housing (mix/tenure/number), facilities (retail etc),  employment, existing site uses, and management.
If you want to attend this workshop please pre-register by sending an email before 30 August (this is just so that Knightstone know how many people to expect)3-5pm at Unitarian Chapel, Brunswick Square, Bristol, BS2 8PE

There will also be a public drop-in from 5-6pm.
After the workshops are complete, Knightstone will work up their preferred option.  They will then come back to the community to check what you think of their conclusions.

Weekend of 14/15 September – Reviewing the preferred option

An opportunity for you to comment on the preferred option that has been worked up based on the consultation workshops and wider consultation.
Times and venue to be confirmed.

Knightstone will then finalise their proposals which will be submitted to Bristol City Council at the end of October / early November.  The Council will then evaluate the proposal (its all part of the painful procurement process that they are obliged by law to follow) with a final decision being made, hopefully, in December.

We hope to see lots of you at the workshops and events in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, enjoy the summer 🙂

Lori and Julian