Knightstone consultation workshops

All links on this page open .pdf  documents.

Context for consultation workshops

Context – process of redevelopment
Context – time line to development
Context – stage 3 consultation plan
Context – historic fabric
Context – buildings and gardens
Context – movement constraints_opportunities

Workshop 1, Generating Options, 1st August 2013

Workshop 1- full notes (opens pdf, 150kb)
Workshop1 – outcomes from workshop tasks (sheets 7-9)  (opens pdf, 2.9Mb)

Workshop 2 – three redevelopment options, 15th August 2013

Workshop 2 – full notes (opens pdf, 300kb)
Workshop 2 – redevelopment option 1 (opens pdf)
Workshop 2 – redevelopment option 2  (opens pdf)
Workshop 2 – redevelopment option 3  (opens pdf)

Workshop 3 – commercial and community use, 20th August 2013

Workshop 3 – full notes (opens pdf, 300kb)

Workshop 4 – heritage and urban design, 29th August 2013

Workshop 4 – full notes (opens pdf, 300kb)

Workshop 5 – general development, 4th September 2013

Workshop 5 – full notes (opens pdf, 300kb)