Write to your Councillor about the Cultural Plan

Please write to your local councillor(s) to ask them to press for action on the cultural plan, the management plan and the public art plan for the Carriageworks.

If you’re not sure which ward you live in you can use the City Council’s postcode finder.

Central ward

Farah Hussain Cllr.Farah.Hussain@bristol.gov.uk

Ani Stafford-Townsend Cllr.Ani.Stafford-Townsend@bristol.gov.uk

Ashley ward

Amirah Cole Cllr.Amirah.Cole@bristol.gov.uk

Jude English cllr.jude.english@bristol.gov.uk

Tim Wye Cllr.Tim.Wye@bristol.gov.uk

Cotham wards 

Mohamed Makawi Cllr.Mohamed.Makawi@bristol.gov.uk

Guy Poultney Cllr.Guy.Poultney@bristol.gov.uk

Suggested text

Writing your own message will have the most impact, but here is some suggested text covering the main points. Don’t forget to add your name and home address so that they know you’re a local constituent.

Dear Councillor ……

As you are probably aware, the redevelopment of Westmorland House and The Carriageworks on Stokes Croft is nearing completion. This will bring to a conclusion a long process of community pressure and engagement that resulted in the publication of the Carriageworks Community Vision in 2012 which was subsequently adopted by the City Council. There is, however, one significant matter that remains unresolved and which could undermine the original Vision.

The planning permission (ref: 14/05930/F) required the developer to produce a cultural plan, a management plan and a public art plan. These documents will set out how the site is used and managed in the future, and the cultural and art benefits arising from the development. In preparing them the planning committee was clear that the developer should consult with the local community.

In 2018 the developer, PG Group, submitted a ‘plan to write a plan’ (ref: 18/00955/COND) with an outline budget of £196,000. This was followed by public meetings and engagement led by Willis Newson, but no final plan ever emerged and since 2019 there has been no further progress or consultation. Consequently we are none the wiser as to how the site will be managed, how the budget will be used, or what benefits will be delivered for the local community. Meanwhile, the planners appear to be refusing to seek any further documentation from the developer.

I am greatly concerned that when the developer completes and sells on the freehold (probably within the next few months) that any commitment to public art, cultural activities and long term management that benefits the local community will be lost.

Would you kindly ask your officers in the planning department to investigate what has and is happening to ensure that there is proper community engagement in the production and delivery of these key plans before the aspirations set out in the Community Vision are lost forever.

Yours faithfully ……….