7. Design – CAG objection to Fifth Capital

Vision Statement: “We want the new development to be designed to a high quality
with good environmental standards. The Carriageworks building should be restored
to its former glory but other existing buildings may or may not be retained. We want
to see full use being made of roofs to provide opportunities for biodiversity and the
creation of gardens, perhaps for growing food.”

We are concerned that

  • The design uses generic styles found in city centres throughout England and fails to contribute to the culture and environment of Stokes Croft.
  • The massing and the look of the front of the proposed buildings (known as the elevational treatment) bears little relation to the local area, and does not contribute to the local environment, streetscape or conservation area.
  • There is overbearing mass of development on the boundary of the site, particularly where it backs onto properties on Hepburn Road and Brigstocke Road.
  • The planning application makes no commitment to using local labour or to using local materials.

Although the proposals will conserve the Carriageworks building, we do not believe that they will preserve the building’s historic interest, its history or the role of its designer, EW Godwin.

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One thought on “7. Design – CAG objection to Fifth Capital

  1. The opposition is a bit vague for me to make any constructive comment.
    I thought the place was listed so does that meant the exterior would have to stay unchanged or not. the implication is that the exterior would be changed ?
    Using local labour is very important but I cannot see what that has to do with Design.
    Help me on this one. I have lived in Stokes Croft area for 27 years and want to see something done but this does not help me make any constructive contribution

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