5. Upper Floors Residential – CAG objection to Fifth Capital

Vision Statement: “We recognise the benefit of residential development on the upper
floors to boost viability. We want to see a true mix of housing types for sale and for
rent including private and social housing, both low and high cost; a range of sizes
should be provided to suit a mix of needs, from single people to families. We do not
want to see a gated community or a monotype development. Some small business
and other uses on the upper floors may also be appropriate.”

We are concerned that:

  • The proposed mix of dwellings will have a negative effect on the character and identity of the area.
  • There is not a mix of housing types, sizes and needs. 50% of the units are one bed flats and 30% are two bed units. There is nothing larger than three bed. Local planning policy, SPD10, states “there is … an imbalance in household composition towards single person households”. These proposals will add to this problem.
  • The proposals do not offer any family housing for affordable rent, in line with local policy (SPD10) and local needs.
  • The proposals are for only 8 affordable shared ownership housing units (7% of the total), and no units for social rent. The Council’s Core Strategy seeks 40% affordable housing on new developments.
  • The proposals contain no social housing / affordable housing for rent. This is unacceptable in an area of high housing need.

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