Active uses on the Ground Floor – 2011 Draft

We think that people want to see the site opened up with active uses (e.g. shops, small businesses, market, cafes, arts, workshops etc) both on the Stokes Croft frontage and inside the site. The units will have to be flexible and large enough to be viable for their occupiers and will need to be well managed to ensure a good mix at all times.

Do you agree with this vision?

3 thoughts on “Active uses on the Ground Floor – 2011 Draft

  1. The key to this project is the generation of enough income from parts of this site to supplement the reduced income from the community orientated spaces.

    1. I wouldn’t add anything in terms of a substantial physical structure at the rear of the site.

    2. A park with an outdoor theatre/ stage / bandstand would be nice. This could be on top of an under ground / submerged carpark ( income generation)

    3. The tower at the rear should have high income generating facilities such as penthouse apartment, boutique hotel, bar, restaurants… The view at the top will be amazing. ( the standard highline hotel, New York / acme hotel Chicago / hotel fauna Valparasio, chile)

    4. The rest of the tower should be offices and affordable housing.

    5. There would be space for a Brixton market type area in both the ground floor of the tower and west Moreland house.

    6. Art spaces

    7. This also has to be done with an eye on the other unused or to let property in the area.

    8. The roof spaces should be used for solar panels and capurting renewable energies.

    Just my tuppence worth. 🙂

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