
Westmoreland House windowsThe Carriageworks and Westmoreland House have been derelict for 25 years. Many people have only known the buildings as a burden that are ‘too hard to tackle’ . As such they contribute to the image of a whole city quarter. Despite their presence, however, recent years have seen a turnaround in the fortunes of Stokes Croft with many new businesses emerging, bringing a life and vitality to the streets. It was therefore to be expected that thoughts would turn, albeit not for the first time, to the future of the Carriageworks and Westmoreland House and how to ensure that they make a positive contribution to the local area.

This Community Vision is the work of the residents, businesses and organisations of Stokes Croft and the surrounding communities of St Pauls, Montpelier, Kingsdown and Cotham. Our work has been supported by Bristol City Council.Westmoreland House, Bristol. Derelict for over 25 years.

The Vision deals with big ideas and principles rather than fine details. It aims to be ambitious but at the same time seeks to build consensus in our communities and retain what we believe is overall viability. It sets out how we would like to see the buildings and the surrounding land used, and the contribution we would like them to make to the ongoing success of our communities.

As we wrote this vision, 95% of people said that they want to see the dereliction of this site addressed. We will work with any organisation that shares our vision for the future.

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