Fifth Capital’s proposals (August ’14)

In July 2014 Fifth Capital held a two day exhibition on the third floor of Hamilton House.  They claimed that 100 people attended.  The Bristol Post reported what Fifth Capital said as a result.

The exhibition had site proposals which eventually made it into the wider public domain.

Fifth Capital says it is “committed to producing a vibrant, mixed community”. Its proposals include:

  • Renovation of the Carriageworks
    • The arcades will be brought back into use with commercial and community spaces
    • The arches will connect to open space behind
  • Demolition of Westmoreland House and No.4 Ashley Road
  • 116 new homes with a mix of private and affordable housing and a range of sizes, including a number of family homes and private communal gardens
  • Approximately 700 sqm of commercial or community space at ground floor level  along Stokes Croft and Ashley Road
  • A new public space for the community to the rear of the Carriageworks building
  • Permeability through the site
  • Public art for the site
  • New habitat for valued native biodiversity

There is no shortage of scepticism about what these proposals will mean in practice or whether the elements that respond to the Community Vision will actually be delivered should Fifth Capital develop the site.