Car parking and access

People’s comments on the Fifth Capital proposals

  • Deliveries to the new businesses: where will they arrive? Traffic at the top of Ashley Road is often very heavy.
  • How will businesses do deliveries – very difficult.
  • Fire service access to the site. Moving into flats – access is very restricted.
  • How do people move in to the flats? Access is very restricted. How is this supposed to work?
  • How is fire service going to access the site to ensure safety of residents?
  • How will residents empty their refuse and recycling? How does it work? Any refuse trucks would block the disabled parking access.
  • Concern regarding expensive parking provision affecting the project viability and so the percentage provision of affordable housing.
  • Disabled parking will be blocked by refuse trucks.
  • On site car club – 10-12 spaces – will parking be adequate.
  • Concerns about car parking.
  • Junction – create an improved general space.

One thought on “Car parking and access

  1. [This comment was given on paper to CAG at the 14 January meeting with a request that it be put on the website]

    We are appauled at the TOTAL LACK OF CAR PARKING. There has been a substantial increase in dwellings in the Montpelier area over the last 20 years, and it is now totally saturated with road parking. The local roads were never designed for this density of habitation.
    Although we may wish for car-free living the reality is most poeple want a car for weekends if not for the week. Public transport is good during the day; at evenings and on Sundays it can be poor and unreliable and even absent.
    In 2006 an informal guidance plan was published which gave provision for one car space per two dwellings. Provision for car parking is essential for such a large development as this. Developments in other areas of Bristol have provided under-ground car parking. Why has this not been included for the Carriageworks?
    Daphne Kauders & Peter Perrott, Montpelier.

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