Gallery of pics and films

Drone film

Courtesy of Devious Films.

Timelapse films

Films of the site demolition and development, filmed by One Bristol for PG Group (caution: muzak)


Demolition of 4 Ashley Road (the old Doctor’s surgery), Feb 2018

Pictures of the Carriageworks and Westmoreland House, 2011.

Click for larger versions on our Flickr page.

Westmoreland House

The rear of Westmoreland House

Westmoreland House and the Carriageworks

The Carriageworks

The Carriageworks

EW Godwin, arhitect of the Carriageworks.



2 thoughts on “Gallery of pics and films

  1. Looking at the old photo- the carriageworks itself would make an amazing indoor food market- lots of little indie stalls with the arches open as they were once- think Barcelona or Philadelphia- or Bristol Sweet Mart- all destinations in their own right as well as catering to locals

  2. I’ve only just found this site and big respect for any attempts to preserve this magnificent building. Bristol City Council should hang their head in abject and utter shame that they have allowed one the City’s most important buidlings – and one of architectural historian Nicholas Pevsner’s favourites – to fall into such a parlous and ragged state. But it can and will be restored back to rude health again. Quite where the money will come from in the current climate is anyone’s guess but if they can spend £25M on the M Shed ‘refurb’ then anything is possible.

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