1. Overall Vision – CAG objection to Fifth Capital

Vision Statement: “The Carriageworks development will make a positive contributionto the economy, culture and environment of Stokes Croft and surrounding area. It will be a mixed use development that is home to many activities, businesses and people. It will be a buzzing, vibrant place for people from the local communities and from further afield. We want to see the dereliction of this site addressed as a priority and are keen to work with any organisation that embraces our vision for the future.”

We are concerned that:

  • The proposals are for an inward looking development
  • 94% of the development will be for residential use. This is not a mix of uses.
  • The design does not invite public interest or entry to the site.
  • The design fails to integrate with the immediate community and the communities that surround it and are impacted by the proposals.
  • The development will not make a positive contribution to the economy, culture and environment of Stokes Croft and the surrounding area
  • There is a limited number of retail units.
  • The exact use and users of the retail units have not been established so it is impossible to say that there will be any contribution to the local economy.
  • There are many questions about the way the retail units will be managed. Only vague answers have been given to these questions.
  • The Cultural Strategy fails to give any certainty that the scheme will make a positive contribution to the local area.

Our great concern is that the development will be anything but a buzzing and vibrant place. As a result it will have a damaging effect on the character and identity of the area.

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One thought on “1. Overall Vision – CAG objection to Fifth Capital

  1. These are exactly my feelings, we need to retain control over develpoment. My home overlooks the whole site and after 20 years I’d like to see some community focussed results.

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