Knighstone development options

Over the weekend of 14-15 September, Knightstone will be consulting on three development options.

The boards and accompanying information can all be viewed and downloaded below.

Knightstone’s Design Brief  (opens pdf, 250kb) setting out what they are aiming to achieve.

The issues and remaining questions (opens pdf, 250kb). It’s a complicated site and so far there has been no access for surveys.  These boards explain what Knighstone know, what they don’t know, and the big questions that remain to be answered before final decisions can be made.

Option 1 (opens pdf, 1Mb) retains Westmoreland House and creates separate vehicle and pedestrian access to the site. Picton Street is extended into the site through a new walkway cut through Westmoreland House giving access to a square behind the Carraigeworks. New accommodation is built to the front of Westmoreland House and one new floor added. The original roof of the Carriageworks is restored.

Option 2 (opens pdf, 1Mb) demolishes Westmoreland House and creates separate vehicle and pedestrian access to the site. Picton Street is extended in to a linear park parallel to Stokes Croft. The park opens out into a square behind the Carriageworks. The development has a new residential tower towards the front of the site and provides new accommodation built around the Carriageworks.

Option 3 (opens pdf, 1.2Mb) demolishes Westmoreland House to create a new pedestrian street linking from Picton Street to a new square at the back of the Carriageworks. The development has a new central tower and provides new accommodation built around the Carriageworks.

You can come along to the consultation event 11am to 3pm on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September at Bristol Credit Union, 112 Cheltenham Road, Stokes Croft, BS6 5RW.  Or fill in the online survey.

One thought on “Knighstone development options

  1. Pingback: Knightstone’s options – have your say! | Carriageworks & Westmoreland House, Stokes Croft, Bristol

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