6. Car Parking and access – CAG objection to Fifth Capital

Vision Statement: “An amount of car parking that is “just adequate” should be
provided on the site. The parking provision should balance the need to make best
use of space on the site whilst avoiding increases in parking congestion and pollution
in the surrounding area. Residents and businesses should have sufficient access to
their premises.”

In using the phrase “just adequate”, the Vision Statement reflects the highly contentious nature of the car parking issue in the local area where many subscribe to
the car-free cities ideal, many others rely on their car to meet a range of needs, and
the high density of development combined with the lack of off-street parking makes it
difficult verging on the impossible for residents, businesses and visitors to find onstreet spaces. Access for businesses and residents is a slightly different issue but reflects the need for everyone to be able to reach their premises for deliveries, collections and emergencies. Without access the viability and health of the local area is severely compromised.

We are concerned that:

  • There is inadequate access to premises for residents and businesses.
  • Lack of space for post and parcel delivery.
  • Inadequate space for waste collections when any other form of delivery of site movement is taking place.
  • A lack of delivery space for businesses (one loading bay only is proposed, situated in front of the six disabled parking spaces).
  • The location of the one loading bay, in front of the disabled parking spaces, will lead to potential conflicts between disabled drivers and other users; and to blocking disabled drivers in or out of their homes.
  • The already congested surrounding streets and the impact of Residents Parking will mean that new residents will not be able to park in the local area, undermining the viability of the scheme for the developer, and the liveability of the scheme for its residents.

In their current form we do not believe these proposals to be workable.

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