Making an objection

This page tells you how to submit an objection to the Fifth Capital planning application and the sort of issues you could write about.  To see what CAG has written go to (opens in new tab)


  1. Go to the Bristol City Council Planning Applications page. This link takes you straight to the current Planning Application:
  2. Click on the “Comments” tab.
  3. Fill in your details
  4. Make sure you select the “Object” button in the “Stance” section – otherwise it won’t be counted as an objection.
  5. Write your views into the box on the form. You have 250,000 characters.  Note: some people have written lots and then found the webpage has timed out so they’ve lost all.  Probably best to write it in a text editor and then copy paste on the webpage.

By post

You can send your views in a letter to:

Peter Westbury, Planning Officer, Bristol City Council, Brunel House, St Georges Road, Bristol, BS1 5UY

What to write

Comments will be stronger if you write them in your own words. You can select some of the points made in our objection but for maximum impact rephrase them in your own words.


There are certain “material considerations” for objecting to a Planning Application. These are:

  • Overlooking/loss of privacy
  • Loss of light or overshadowing
  • Parking
  • Highway safety
  • Traffic
  • Noise
  • Effect on listed building and conservation area
  • Impact on infrastructure, community & other services
  • Layout and density of building
  • Design, appearance and materials
  • Government policy
  • Disabled persons’ access
  • Proposals in the Development Plan
  • Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
  • Nature conservation
  • Alignment with the Community Vision (CAG Dec 2011)
  • Alignment with Bristol Central Area Plan Feb 2014 and as amended Sept 2014 or modified as of 25th Nov 2014
  • A fall-back position – such as:
    • a lawful use which could result in a development worse than proposal
    • Permitted Development (e.g. a change of use that doesn’t require a new planning permission) which could have the same or worse effect than the proposed development.

However, issues such as business competition, loss of view, or negative effect on the value of properties are not material considerations.

[Last updated: 13 February 2015]

5 thoughts on “Making an objection

  1. I think that your initial response to the application is excellent as a clear expression of the community view.

    However, from my experience there are three ways to have most impact on the planning decision:

    1. To relate each of your comments directly and specifically to a policy statement in the Local Plan and/or SPD. You do this perfectly for affordable housing but no clearly for other community ambitions. The affordable housing one is unfortunately weak (not your fault) because the Government is currently releasing developers from affordable housing commitments on grounds of ensuring commercial viability of schemes.

    2. To come up with an alternative, equally feasible, scheme that meets you ambitions. Is this possible? Can you get Knightstone to join in creating an alternative scheme? I know that First Capital have some kind of legal agreement with the owners, but there is nothing to stop anyone else obtaining planning permission. Doing so might constrain First Capital to follow that alternative scheme or result in their choice not to proceed.

    3. Depending on how long the determination of the application might be delayed, the community could take up the legal power to produce a neighbourhood plan that, once passed at a local referendum would take precedence in the Local Plan when the Council determines planning applications. Currently the Secretary of State is backing neighbourhood plan policies in the face of appeals from developers.

    • Hello; my email is

      We’ve worked with the #communityworks campaign and produced the infographic which has we hope secured enough objections. I think the best thing to do; once the planning meeting is over; is create a legal entity and have this referendum take place. Collectively draw up designs with architects, artists, local youth, community organisations; big outreach and build a viable ‘community vision’. Become Fifth Capital. Work with knightstone if possible. Have Bristol City Council release money it has for development. Crowd fund. Kick Start. Increase the stake of the community through land ownership and local development. This site is an opportunity for a truly mixed development; with ridiculous benefit to the loca and wider communities. With the type of people that inhabit the area, there is no reason we couldn’t create something beyond our imaginations.

  2. 118 homes – but only eight will be “affordable” that probably means 110 profesionals complaining about all the noise!!! See 5102..

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