Your say

From mid September to mid October we asked you what you thought should happen to the Carriageworks and Westmoreland House.  1460 people had their say.

You can find the results on this page.

Using the results we developed a draft Vision for the site.  We consulted on this at the beginning of December.

Previous discussion

In April 2011 the Council asked for comments on bringing Westmoreland House back into use. 43 comments were submitted. You can read them here

Consultation Calender

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4 thoughts on “Your say

  1. I am amazed that this campaign could progress without even a mention that this is a conservation case and has been so for many years. I do not see any evidence that a conservation architect is involved in the Action Group; certainly the Victorian Society has not been consulted. This negative approach to a grade II* building has bedeviled the case since 1984, when I surveyed the carriage works. Put in ‘conservation’ in ‘find’ the committee reports that you have put online; it does not appear!

    If you were presiding over the question of compulsory purchase what would be your reaction to a proposal that did not have attached a Conservation Report on the grade II* building? I would politely decline the request.

    Yrs etc.
    John Winstone RIBA SCA, IHBC Conservation architecture

  2. In my opinion the plans that Fifth Capital presented are very interesting. They have promised to me, that there would be place in their proposals for place for lower grades music egzamining board, place for hiring musical instruments and place for rythmics, or you call it balet for gentle exercises for children. Mrs Danuta Lidia Frasolowicz- Kellett

  3. The Carriageworks/Westmooreland House should retain as much of its original features as possible free from graffiti and shopping units. There are enough empty shopping units along Stokes Croft that can be used. Stokes Croft is an eye sore with the increasing amount of graffiti. This in turn attracts tagging, which seems to be at an epidemic level along Stocks Croft, which then spills into others areas

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