2011 Draft Vision

In September 2011 we asked you what you thought should happen on the site. Over 1460 people gave their thoughts. You can find the results here, as well as a book with all the individual comments.

After the end of the consultation in October, the Carriageworks Action Group analysed the results and developed a draft Vision for the site. We then wanted to know what you thought of the Vision and whether you supported it.

The emerging Vision dealt with big ideas and principles rather than fine details, so you won’t find any architectural drawings or designs. Instead you will find statements about what the community said it wants to happen on the site. It was anticipated that these visionary statements would help guide the work of the Council and developers as they put together proposals for the site.

You can read the Draft Vision in this section of the website via the menu above or the links below.  The Draft Vision formed the basis of a second phase of consultation in December 2011.

2 thoughts on “2011 Draft Vision

  1. FYI, when looking for a good developer, you could ask the community cooperative who created the mixed use development in London called Coin Street Place whom they used.

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