Bristol City Council docs

The City Council has been concerned about the Carriageworks and Westmoreland House site since the early 1990s.

Previously, in 2006/07, proposals for purchase and redevelopment were worked up in partnership with SWRDA but the financial crisis prevented anything moving forward.

In March 2010 the Council agreed in principle to use compulsory purchase powers to bring the site back into beneficial use.

In 2011 work with local community lead to the Council supporting the creation of the Carriageworks Action Group and the preparation of a Community Vision for the site.

In May 2012 the Council supported the Vision and agreed to use, if necessary, compulsory purchase powers to bring forward redevelopment.

In 2013 the Council undertook an intensive process to identify and agree on a preferred developer for the site.  Knighstone were selected in December 2013.

In 2014 the Council reconfirmed its intention to use compulsory purchase powers as and when necessary.