Mr Godwin’s Cabinet was Curious!

carriageworks action group in the dark

prue hardwick holds forth



jay wilcox

stage chaos

viv goodings - anyone out there?

viv goodings


steve perry

shades of something

annabel holland and victim

annabel holland is dangerous

annabel holland throws knives at audience




theres a shark

delroy dj2

delroy dj

An odditiy of curiosities performed at the Full Moon Attic Bar on Wednesday 12 December 2012.  Of course, it all started with a meeting (doesn’t everything) with an update on plans to get the Carriageworks and Westmoreland House redeveloped.  Great to see new faces and hear new ideas.  And there’s talk of a heritage lottery project to explore and record the history of the buildings that have now been derelict for over 25 years.

So after the jaw jaw came the haw haw, expertly MC’d by Annabel Holland and started with Rob who’s night job is playing in a heavy metal band but  spends the days entertaining (or is that frightening) small children with waving hands, stamping feet, and well known nursery rhymes.  When did Stokes Croft last resound to the Grand Old Duke of York?  Amazing that even hardened urbanistas of inner city Bristol know the words to that one!

Then came the wonderful Jay Wilcox getting us into a bit of motown groove (listen to more of his work on YouTube).  Hopefully fame will furnish him with a roady sometime soon.

Viv Goodings then did a stand up, testing the mics 1,2,1,2,1,2 (the date stupid), mulling the fete of the Carriageworks, and then handing over to Gary for some street level humour from Stokes Croft.  Viv was meant to be accompanied by some poets, but they didn’t turn up. Bloody poets.

One of the highlights of the evening was surely Steve Perry – a very talented singer songwriter finding his feet in the world of music with the help of Changing Tunes and drawing on his life experiences to good effect. His CD ‘Broken’ is worth tracking down.

The cabinet then became even more curious, as Annabel switched role from MC to the UK’s only female knife thrower. Using cunning trickery she sought out single men in the audience, and then trapped one of them with a wildwest lassoo (EL James eat your heart out).  After that he was but a puppy in her hands, as she cajoled him into standing in front of a wooden board while she lobbed sharpened ‘knives’ in his (general) direction.  Having reassured herself that she was sufficiently on target, Annabel then directed them more in the direction of his head (albeit with the poor victim now having the defence of the wooden board in front of, not behind, him).  The finale came with the now trembling (hardly) recipient of these kitchen implements holding a large ballon just below his ‘meat and veg’ while Ms Holland had a go at bursting the inflated object.  Luckily, she was on target.  Great and memorable entertainment.

Then it was back to the music, and two more talented individuals Maxi and Max performing their songs to an appreciative audience.

Towards the end Rob took us back to the toyroom where monsters do dwell, not least the terrible jaw snapping shark. There followed a wonderful improvisation of John Williams’ theme tune complete with a beatbox from the audience, that really should have been recorded – oh hindsight.

Delroy Hibbert wound the evening up, although the cold in the Attic Bar meant that both his fingers and his audience were giving up pretty quickly!

Many thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed the evening, and especially to all the artists who performed – you were stars.  Thanks also to Prue from Shake Wrap and Roll who organised the evening, and to the Full Moon for hosting the event.