Email Dr. Mark Wright

Use this form to send an email to Dr. Mark Wright (Cabot Ward).

Paste the following text into the comment box or write your own thoughts (which will increase the impact).  Make sure you add your name and address or postcode so that Dr. Wright knows if you are one of his constituents.

Dear Dr Wright

As one of your constituents I am concerned that the Council is not doing enough to support the Knighstone scheme for the redevelopment of the Carriageworks and Westmoreland House. 

The Council once had a twin-track approach to getting the site redeveloped but it seems to have abandoned this in the face of the proposals from Fifth Capital. My fear is that Fifth Capital will not redevelop the site and the dereliction will continue.

Can you please answer these questions:
1. Why is the Council not using funds allocated by the Homes and Communities Agency to pursue its twin-track approach?  
2. Why has the Council stopped acting on its own Cabinet decisions to progress the CPO? 
3. Why is the Council not supporting Knightstone, its preferred developer, to undertake site surveys done and prepare a planning application 
4. Why is the Council going cold on the whole scheme?

Please help get the Council back on its twin-track approach and support the Knightstone scheme.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


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